Each time I go I have to have someone Korean [from my school] go with me with lots of papers and the school stamps and Business Licenses, etc. And, every time there seems to be a million questions. They certainly make it complicated and frustrating for people who choose to work legitimately and legally.
For whatever reason I could not just alter my working Visa to include the two other schools in one trip. Instead I had to alter it for one school and then later go back and alter it again. If I never see the Immigration Office again it will be too soon.
But all this running has made me a pro at finding my way to the office and figuring out the sometimes confusing and always lengthy procedures. So, let me give to some information on how the how to navigate your way to the Immigration Office.

First, get on the subway [the orange line].
Get off the subway at stop # 112 Jung-an-dong.
Go to exit # 10 and follow the sign for the "Busan Immigration Office".
Other along the way will see more signs showing you the way to the "Busan Immigration Office". In Korea it is called "Busan Chul Ip Kuk Gwan Ri Sa Mu So". 부산 출입국관리 사무소 [사무소 "sa mu so" means office.]
Ahead you will see an archway that leads to the International Ferry Terminal. Go through the archway and turn immediately sharply to your right.
There is the Immigration Office.
The Immigration Office is on the second floor through the main doors. But for everything you do there you must buy "Revenue Stamps" in the amount required for the service you require. For example the fee for an Alien Card in 10,000 won whereas the fee for a multi entry visa is 30,000 won and the fee to alter your employment location is 60,000 won. If you don't know the amount you go upstairs to the main office and on the wall is a large sign in English and Korean that tells the price of the various services.
To get an Alien Card takes two weeks and to get an "alteration" of your Visa takes one week. There is a new service [or at least it is new to me] offered at the Immigration Office called "Take Back" which seems to be Konglish for "courier service". If you fill out a paper [that sits at the express desk and there's a sign that says "Express Service"] you can get them to deliver your passport and Alien Card to you in Busan. The fee is 5,000 won but it's a real bonus in time and energy for people like me who would do anything NEVER to see the Immigration Office again.
The phone number for the Busan Immigration Office is (051) 461-3010. They speak English, at least some, so call them if you have questions.