We went to the back of the train and there was a car that had an opening where we could stand in the fresh air looking out the back of the train. I took this picture showing the train tracks and the rice fields and the city of Gumi in the distance as we leave it behind and travel toward Daegu and new adventures.
It is wonderful to spend time with someone who can speak both English and Korean. He is even able to help me get my bank card to work at a Daegu Bank Machine that operates only in Korean. He tells me the words for withdraw and deposit in Korean. I wrote them down so I wouldn't forget. I know it will come in very handy in the future when I am alone and can't find a Bank Machine that offers English Displays.

Here is the scanned paper I had Tony print for me. I will try to type the Korean myself and Romanticize it for pronunciation, too.
- Deposit = 입 금 하 다 [im gum ha da]
- Withdraw = 츰 금 하 다 [chul gum ha da]
- PIN (Personal Identification Number) the exact translation in Korean is "Secret Number" = 비 밀 번 호 [bi mil bun ho]
- Amount = 잔 고 [jan ko]
- Receipt (from a bank) = 거 래 잔 표[ka rae jan pyo]
- Bankbook= 통 장 [tong jang]
- Up-date Bankbook = 통 장 정 리[tong jank jeong ri]
- Credit Card = 신 용 카 드 [sin yong ka du]
I took some pictures as Tony and I wandered around Daegu. I am including some of the pictures.
In a shop along the main market area in Daegu was this display selling wigs and hair. I found it quite interesting. At the bottom of the picture the hair is done in the style that the women who were Korean Royalty used to wear their hair.
I feel like I didn't explain the thing about the hair very well so I found another picture to illustrate what I was trying to say. This is a picture from one of the Palaces in Seoul showing a member of the Royal family wearing the same hairstyle as in the wigs in the above picture. How that helps clarify what I am trying to say.
We walked by a restaurant with people eating and on one side of the doorway has this stone pig with an apple core in it's mouth and on the other side of the doorway was a real live pig in a cage. Waiting for someone to order fresh pork maybe...

Here's a picture of Tony and I in front of a water fountain in downtown Daegu. Isn't he charming?

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